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5 Questions You Need to Ask on Your First Day on the Job

Lisa Yannett • July 16, 2020

5 Questions You Need to Ask on Your First Day on the Job

Lisa Yannett • July 16, 2020

Your first day on the job can be exciting and nerve-wracking. Even if you’ve worked in a similar position before, there are bound to be differences between how your previous company operated compared to the new one. Make sure you ask these important questions to make your transition and smooth and successful one.

1. Who do I report to?

No matter what your role or the company’s purpose, there will be some form of a chain of command. Make sure you understand your place and who you should report to with questions and completed tasks. Make sure you ask who you report to if your direct supervisor it out, too.

2. What are the key things you want me to focus on this week?

You may already have experience in your new role, but it’s best to ask what your supervisor wants you to focus on to make sure you are working towards the same goal.

3. Where is the bathroom?

It’s a natural need, we know. Don’t get lost on your first day because you’re embarrassed to ask where the bathroom is. If you don’t want to ask your supervisor, ask a coworker.

4. When (and how long) is lunch?

Don’t assume that because you’ve always had an hour for lunch from noon to 1 p.m. that this company operates the same way. Ask before you’re starving when lunch time is.

5. What’s your name?

Get to know the people you will be working around. Find out who handles what aspects of the business and who you will need to contact for what information. Your coworkers should be your team, so make an effort to connect with them.

For interview tips to get you to that first day on the job, check out these 2 great blog posts.

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